Allow Me To Introduce Myself
Welcome! If you are reading this right now I am truly grateful for you taking the time to visit my website. So far I am in the early stages of this website and hope it can eventually expand to something more than my own personal blog on the internet. Consistent visitations by people like you who are currently reading this can only help this website to expand. Of course, I can’t expect this to grow unless I continue to provide thoughtful content which is original and influential. This is the hope and it is up to me and viewers like yourself to transform this small blog into the biggest thing on the internet. I am not a great writer but I do have my ideas so please excuse potential grammatical errors I may have until I can get some dope editors to help this site reach its full potential. Just appreciate the journey as I learn to develop my own writing style and voice.
Why the name “Awkwardlycool”?
Well, I would say awkwardly cool describes who I am personally, a cool individual with awkward tendencies which may have stemmed from me not having much social interaction when I was younger. It is the current website name until I have a better idea of what to name this. For now, this is the name and I’m sticking with it until someone helps me come up with an original name that’s a little less corny.
What will this website discuss?
This is a great question that even I don’t know the for sure. To provide a hint of potential discussion points I happen to be a “Woke” Christian who loves hip-hop, RnB, and deep discussions on race. Basically all I’m saying is the content of this website is fluid until it reaches its full potential but I believe that is part of the fun. Thanks again for visiting the site and I hope you will be a part of the journey as this Awkwardlycool continues to grow. Lets make it happen!